8 Warning Signs Your Aboveground Storage Tank Needs Help
8 Warning Signs Your Aboveground Storage Tank Needs Help
  • admin
  • September 7, 2022

8 Warning Signs Your Aboveground Storage Tank Needs Help

So you made the proper decision. You removed the underground storage tank, made sure you were helping to preserve the environment and had an aboveground tank installed.

Good on you!

With an aboveground tank in place, potential issues are simpler to spot and simpler to address when they do.

Concerning the reasons behind aboveground storage tank failures, here are 8 things to watch out for with your new aboveground tank.

1. Are the tank’s legs wobbly or resting on precarious ground?

We always make sure the new aboveground tanks or industrial storage tanks are safe and level when we install them. Your aboveground tank, however, can be a little wobbly if it is older or if it was placed by someone else. Between the weight of the tank itself and the weight of the fuel within, those tiny tank legs are supporting a substantial amount of weight. The last thing you want is a full tank to tip over and dump all the petrol you just paid for all over your yard or your basement. A BIG mess can result from a few shaky legs.

2. Are there any bumps or irregularities on the tank’s bottom?

Put your hand along the tank’s bottom. It ought to be smooth and pleasant. It may be the first indication that your tank is beginning to degrade from the inside if you feel any bumps or dimples. With enough time, these bumps and dimples could develop into holes in the bottom of your tank. It should be pretty obvious that you DO NOT want holes in the bottom of your tank.

3. Is the surface of the tank free of excessive dents, weeps, or rust signs?

All of these signs point to the tank’s physical deterioration. There is a possibility that the tank will need to be replaced if any of these are noticed. Your tank may leak if the tank isn’t changed and these symptoms worsen. Yes, aboveground tanks can leak as well.

4. Do the filter or valves have any drips or other leakage signs?

Except for the appropriate vent lines, any tank, whether underground or aboveground, should be sealed. The oil should enter the fill pipe, remain inside the tank, and then exit through the piping that connects the tank to the furnace. That’s it. Anywhere on your tank where there are drips or leaks indicates that something needs to be adjusted or replaced. A small drop today could turn into a full blow leak or spill tomorrow.

5. Do the oil pipes connecting the tank and furnace run above ground or under concrete without being encased in protective tubing?

Actually, the lines connecting your tank to your furnace are quite fragile. The lines, which are often made of copper, can easily crimp, bend, or even break if they are left exposed. These lines should have a protective casing to function as a barrier between them and the outside world in situations where the lines run down the floor or behind other equipment (like washers or dryers).

6. Is the tank at risk of snow or ice falling on it?

Your tank might not be as delightful if the weather outside is frightful. While snow and ice may be visually appealing, your tank may be under undue stress from the moist, heavy snow that is accumulating on top of it. Furthermore, if ice or snow from, say, your house’s roof falls on the top of your tank, the impact may be enough to sever the fill, product, or vent lines or even pierce the tank itself!

7. Are ice, snow, or insect nests causing the tank vent to become clogged or restricted? (Insect nest problems can be avoided by using screen vents.)

Although there may not be an oil spill as a result of this, this is just good housekeeping. To avoid fumes backing up into the tank and even into your home, make sure the vent is free of debris. For your tank’s lifespan, a little cleaning can go a long way.

8. Is the overfill whistle silent during tank filling?

At the very least, every storage tank needs to have a whistle alert to let you know when it is filling. This is a safety feature to guard against an overfilling of your tank. If there is an overfill, oil may leak out of the vent and onto your lawn. This is another way that your oil could seep into your soil, and a spill cleanup would still be required. Make sure the overfill whistle is functioning properly by asking the person who delivers your heating oil.

You can use the checklist we’ve made by printing it out. Checking on these things at least once a month is a good idea. A problem can be dealt with more quickly the earlier it is discovered.

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